Water Supply is one of the essentials in any developing community. It is also one of the administration’s priorities as it takes a journey towards economic development. The Local Government Unit of Mina has done its best to materialize such a project and to be able to supply the community with safe and secured potable water. But before the dream became a reality, the LGU had gone through many challenges and hardships to create a new steady, safe water supply or revive the old existing source installed in the 1960s. 

           The Municipal Government of Mina had difficulties establishing a water supply facility for the community since the realization of the same requires funds, and the LGU relies only on the National Tax Allocation (formerly known as the Internal Revenue Allotment) from the National Government for its operation. Establishing the water supply source alone requires an allocation of more than Twenty Million Pesos (Php20,000,000.00). 

           Many years ago, during the previous administrations, there was an existing water supply system within the Poblacion of the community that supplied water to the households. The water source was about fifty (50) meters from the Sprague river bank. The original is a portion of a lot located in the privately owned property, and the owner allowed the LGU to use it, said lot was later used as collateral in a bank loan by the lot owner. During those times, around 30 meters from that water source are the Suague river banks, which the town residents use as an open dumpsite, in which all types of wastes from households and the public market. In 1992, the LGU relocated the said dumpsite at Brgy. Amiroy and the former open dumpsite were converted as open grassland by the owner. After several years, the old dumpsite accumulated seepage from the disposed of wastes and the outflow with a high presence of a significant volume of E.coli bacteria that penetrate and scattered underground near the water supply pump house. 

           After several years, upon assumption into office of the present administration, which began in 1992, started to rehabilitate the water source. The LGU administration started sourcing funds from the Provincial Government and National Agencies to revive the operation of the water system. The LGU organized the Mina Water District to take responsibility for managing the water system. Thus, the water supply system is now ready to operate and distribute sufficient water supply. However, before the operation, after contentious pumping and water testing of the well to determine and test the water supply volume, the water was again subjected to water testing since we found out that without chlorination, there are changes in the color of the water. We then discovered that the pump was sucking in seepage from the old dumpsite brought about by the new course of the Suague River. Any system cannot eliminate With the high presence of E.coli bactreria by mere chlorination treatment, and The health department declared the water source unsafe for human consumption, very hazardous to the health of everyone, that may even cause the extent of death of anyone. The said bacteria makes the water supply unsafe for consumption, even for hand washing. Due to the disaster that it may bring, the water system’s operation to supply households was stopped, and use the water to water the gardens around the municipal plaza and for cleaning equipment, among others.

           Since a water supply is necessary, the Municipal Government sought assistance to identify an alternative site from the National Water Resources Board (NWRB). They suggested Barangays of Bangac and Tolarucan. 

           The next step was to seek funds to materialize the establishment of the water source. In 2015, the municipal government acquired funds from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for the project “Construction of Water Supply System) in Barangay Bangac, Mina. The LGU provided funding for the project in 2016 and 2017. 

           In 2017, the fund provided was for installing water pipes from the water source to the households. Yet, during that time, the four-lane road widening project by the DPWH was ongoing; therefore, the LGU administration decided to identify other location sites or wait until the completion of the said DPWH project before putting on or laying underground the pipes to supply water to the town proper. Otherwise, if we continue the project, the funds spent to waste because of the DPWH projects of widening the national highway from two to four lanes with sidewalks and drainage. The LGU supposedly returned the budget supposed to complete the connection to the source of funds. However, after getting the proper approval, it was re-aligned into distribution lines for the extension of the project located in Brgys. Amiroy, Mina East, Mina West, Tumay and Tolarucan. The decision was practical enough since the road widening project will surely destroy the pipes along the highway, which will turn the project in vain. 

           Currently, the Municipal Government of Mina has an established water source located at the Montogawe Ecopark, sufficient enough to be distributed to nearby households. The administration is just waiting for the completion of the road widening project before it will install pipelines going to the homes from the water source. The administration will further distribute it to the rural areas of the municipality in due time.