e-Kids Summer Computer Literacy Workshop Closing Ceremony

ekids closing

The Mina Community e-Center had conducted a free e-Kids Summer Computer Literacy Workshop for elementary pupils ages 9-12 years old last April-May 2017. The workshop included basic computer operations and internet basics. This program’s objective was to develop the knowledge and skills of children in advance technology through the use of computers.

On this day, June 2, 2017  356 kids from all barangays of Mina receives their Certificate of Participation for e-Kids Summer Computer Literacy Workshop together the Hon. Bernardino Chichirita-Municipal Vice Mayor,  SB Members Hon. Kareen Rose Defensor, Hon. Noel Espiritu, Hon. Germaine Dableo and Hon. Ariel Novo, and Liga President Roger Cordero held at the Municipal Sports and Cultural Center (MSCC).

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