MTH Inter-Office Sports Competition Opening Program March 6, 2017

Camaraderie, friendship and unity – the three main values that the Mina Town Hall Employees and Staffs wanted to develop between one another as it opens its MTH Inter-Office Sports Competition last March 6, 2017. The significant event started right after the flag ceremony with the words of welcome from SB Rose Kareen Defensor, SB chairman committee on sports. The official competition begins as Hon. Rey P. Grabato, Municipal Mayor, declared the Inter-Office Olympics open. The cheers from the different participating groups adds color to the prestigious event.

The said olympics was participated by MTH employees and staffs which were grouped into four groups representing four significant colors- the calm BLUE, life GREEN, Blazing RED and the chastity WHITE. The four teams will compete in different sports events- Volleyball, Baseball (Men), Softball (Women), Badminton, Table Tennis and Laro ng Lahi (patintero, Lisik-lisik, etc.).

The essence of competition as the momentous event continuous. Out of the performance of the different teams, the players who performs best will be choosen to compete on the Inter-Agency Summer Olympics which will happen on early days of April.


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