Basic Disaster Emergency Assistance and Rescue Training

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           Pursuant to the mandates of RA 10121 which is the National Law for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management the Municipality of Mina plans for the different programs and activities pertaining to Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Response and Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery.

         To answer the mandates of the Law, on October 24, 2016, the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office in cooperation with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council conducted a one day orientation and training on Basic Disaster Emergency Assistance and Rescue to all the employees of Mina Town Hall. The members of Mina Emergency Assistance and Rescue Team facilitated the said activity which includes bandaging, splinting, and different kinds of carries.

             The objectives of this training is to enhance the skills of every employees to answer the call of emergencies, increase the capacities of every employees to prepare in times of disaster and to understand the needs of response  during emergencies , calamities and disasters. It was a fruitful training which everybody had participated.


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