ARYA for Mina

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Millions of young people around the world, the onset of adolescence bring not only changes to their bodies but also new vulnerabilities to sexuality, marriage and childbearing. An increasing number of girls are forced into unwanted sex, putting them at risk of unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, and dangerous childbirth. Adolescent boys are at risk, as well. Young people both boys and girls are disproportionately affected these.Yet too many young people face barriers to reproductive health information and care. Even those able to find accurate information about their health and rights may be unable to access the services needed to protect their health. For that reasons, Mina was chosen to be the pilot community health center with A.Y.(Adolescent-Youth) Friendly facility focuses to pregnant teenagers or we call Teen Moms. Last June 2016, the A.Y. technical working groups/AY Coordinators of different Provinces like Aklan, Antique, Guimaras and other LGUs in Iloilo visited A.Y.R.H.(Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health) Clinic of Mina Health Center together with Elizabeth Bañez, R.N. from Provincial Health Office-Family Planning Coordinator and Joseph Carlo Carillo-Regional AY Coordinator-DOH Region VI. After the tour from Balay Paglaum, we had the open forum asking questions regarding how the facility works to address the AY concerns both for pregnant and non-pregnant, how we transact with referrals to other facilities, and others. But as of the moment we are still working to expand the scope of services that we will provide to teenagers as a one stop shop AY Clinic as the goal of our MHO, Dr. Janeatte Sobrevega.

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