Immunization for Senior Citizens

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The Department of Health (DOH) launched the Expanded Pneumococcal Immunization Program for Senior Citizens. This year, all senior citizens aged 60 and 65 years old can avail of free pneumococcal vaccination in all health centers. The vaccine will comprise of two doses: senior citizens aged 60 years old will be given the first dose and will receive the second dose after a 5-year interval. On the other hand, senior citizens aged 65 years old will receive one dose of the pneumococcal vaccine. Pneumococcal disease is a leading cause of serious illness throughout the world. Age related-impairment of the immune system compounded with decrease of physical activity and poor nutrition increase the risk of severe pneumococcal infection. DOH wants to make sure that these are distributed not only to the people who have enough resources to access life saving-medicines and services, but also to our indigent citizens nationwide. Here in our municipality, last June 8, 2016 there were 165 Senior Citizens and 186 Indigent Senior Citizens that received the said vaccine (others have already received last 2014). This is our goal in attaining Universal Health Care of DOH.In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO statistics) estimated that more than 1.6 million people die from pneumococcal infections every year. It remains a major cause of death worldwide. Pneumonia along with acute lower respiratory tract infectionwas the second leading cause of morbidity among Filipinos (DOH Statistics). Immunization with pneumococcal vaccine protects people from pneumococcal infections. The WHO recommends the use of pneumococcal vaccine for the elderly. We can avoid complications, hospitalization, and even death if we choose to equip ourselves with our available vaccines today that we are lucky to have in health facility. But sad to say some senior citizens didn’t submit theirselves for vaccination due to misconception about pnuemo vaccine and its effect.

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