All barangays in Mina declared as Z.O.D.


All 22 barangays in the Municipality of Mina were declared “Zero-Open Defecation (ZOD)” by the local ZOD verification team composed of Municipal Health Officer, Rural Sanitary Inspector and other representatives from LGU with the Provincial Health Office. The team visited the community and randomly checked selected households as to whether they met the ZOD criteria or not.

A barangay is declared ZOD if no one defecates in the open anymore and its either they build their toilets or share toilets with their relatives. They should also practice hand washing with soap and water after toilet use, and properly dispose diapers of infants and adults.


On April 26, 2016, a program was held to declare Mina as the 2nd Municipality in the entire Province of Iloilo as ZOD municipality. The Provincial Health Office spearheaded the declaration of the 22 barangays represented by their Barangay Officials. It was indeed a momentous event witnessed bu the Barangay Officials who were proud of their achievement.

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The invited guests were Amir Ras, a UNICEF Representative and at the same time the National WASH Coordinator, PHO Sanitary Inspectors and Madam Lydia E. Grabato, Executive V representing Mina’s Municipal Mayor, Hon. Rey P. Grabato.

In spite of achieving the goal for eradication on open defecation in Mina, it is still encouraged that barangays and the LGU will enforce local ordinances in order to fully implement ZOD in all households.

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