1st Bloodletting Activity for 2016

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Donating blood may be one of the most important things you’ve ever done and one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society specifically in our Municipality. That is why our beloved Municipal Mayor Hon. Rey Grabato encourages Minanhons to participate in this activity ever since conducted by the Philippine Red Cross – Iloilo Chapter. It is not harmful for a person to donate blood. In addition, the body of the donor can regenerate the blood within few days. A sick body needs blood for various reasons, dengue hemorrhagic fever, may be attacked with anemia, undergone an operation or may meet with an accident. But such a patient may die for want of blood as it is not always available even Mina have produced a number of blood still the need increases. Even a pregnant mother may need blood in case of emergency situation. Blood can be stored for a limited period of time that is why the blood banks like Philippine Red Cross – Iloilo Chapter need a steady and constant collection in different municipalities under the Province of Iloilo. Nowadays a public awareness is noticed to donate blood. We must keep this capacity up at any cost. Our blood banks are running short of required blood. By organizing such bloodletting activitywe are helpingour beloved constituents. However, it is very important that while taking blood from a certain person the concerned authority must make sure the blood is not infected that’s why donors undergone interviews and a different tests. Blood donation is our human duty. Our body does not get affected if we donate blood. The body can repair the loss within a few days. So we must come forward to donate blood as it can make sure the return of a dying man again into the light of life. On that day, April 8, 2016, there are 47 successful blood donors out of 200 possible donors whom Philippine Red Cross and LGU Mina were thankful of. A lot of our possible donors were disqualified due to high blood pressure.Moreover, the next bloodletting activity will be on the month of July and last will be on the month of November.


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