All barangays in Mina declared as Z.O.D.


All 22 barangays in the Municipality of Mina were declared “Zero-Open Defecation (ZOD)” by the local ZOD verification team composed of Municipal Health Officer, Rural Sanitary Inspector and other representatives from LGU with the Provincial Health Office. The team visited the community and randomly checked selected households as to whether they met the ZOD criteria or not.

A barangay is declared ZOD if no one defecates in the open anymore and its either they build their toilets or share toilets with their relatives. They should also practice hand washing with soap and water after toilet use, and properly dispose diapers of infants and adults.


On April 26, 2016, a program was held to declare Mina as the 2nd Municipality in the entire Province of Iloilo as ZOD municipality. The Provincial Health Office spearheaded the declaration of the 22 barangays represented by their Barangay Officials. It was indeed a momentous event witnessed bu the Barangay Officials who were proud of their achievement.

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The invited guests were Amir Ras, a UNICEF Representative and at the same time the National WASH Coordinator, PHO Sanitary Inspectors and Madam Lydia E. Grabato, Executive V representing Mina’s Municipal Mayor, Hon. Rey P. Grabato.

In spite of achieving the goal for eradication on open defecation in Mina, it is still encouraged that barangays and the LGU will enforce local ordinances in order to fully implement ZOD in all households.

Family Planning Day

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Family planning involves using birth control methods to decide how many children you have and when you have them. It allows couples to have their desired number of children, and control the spacing and timing of their births.Knowing that maternal health is health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and after delivery while motherhood is often a fulfilling experience, for too many women it is associated with suffering, ill-health and even death. A woman’s ability to space and limit her pregnancies has a direct impact on her health and well-being, as well as on the outcome of each pregnancy as discussed by the lecturer from FPOP or the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines-Iloilo Chapter during the family planning day for NHTS mothers(22 Barangays) at Mina Sports and Cultural Centre last April 16, 2016. People have used birth control methods, and today can avail many safe and effective birth control methods that will be provided by the said organization after the short screening and interview. Contraception helps prevent unwanted pregnancies, space out births and protect against STDs, including HIV/AIDS.There are different contraceptive methods, each with unique advantages and disadvantages.Hon. Rey Grabato our Municipal mayor said that women and some couples who desired children were not able to have them. Other couples have desired fewer children or pregnancies that were spaced farther apart, but had trouble accomplishing this goal. Fortunately, there are many more family planning options in modern times. Family planning is important for the health of a mother and her children, as well as the family’s economic situation. Truth nowadays, having children more than five years or less than two years apart can cause both a mother and her children serious health problems. The financial problem of having children involves the medical costs of pregnancy and birth and the high costs associated with actually bringing up children. Since parents are responsible for providing education, shelter, clothing and food for their children, family planning has an important long-term impact on the financial situation of any family. That is why many mothers are so thankful for the FP Day in Mina conducted by FPOP-Iloilo Chapter.

BNS Oathtaking and Basic Training Course

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BNS are considered the front liners in providing the basic health and nutrition services in our community. According to the National Nutrition Council, they are the “key implementers” of the many grassroots project of the government in terms of nutrition. As mandated by PD 1569Strengthening the Barangay Nutrition Program by providing a Barangay Nutrition Scholar in every barangay”, our Municipal Mayor, Hon Rey Grabato ordered 22 Punong Barangays in Mina to have their own BNS for the implementation of Nutrition Programs/Services. Last March 2016, 22 BNS had their oath taking with the Mayor as official appointee in their own barangay.  Some of tasks done by a BNS include feeding programs and counselling.But what are the qualifications to become a BNS? A person who wants to be part of BNS must be a resident of the barangay for 4 years and is fluent in their local language. Each BNS aspirant needs to undergo training where they are taught the many ways to save children from malnutrition. So, last April 11-13, 2016, 22 BNS attended the Basic Training Course conducted by Provincial Health Office under the Nutrition program in the person of Noniza Lozada and Leni Disin both are Nutritionist Dietician II with Beejane Hacquias-Assistant Nutritionist Dietician.    Aside from this, they are also required to attend seminars/fora related to nutrition and health. Being a BNS is not an easy jobsince the future of children is in their hands, knowing before that your work focuses only for height and weight taking.

1st Bloodletting Activity for 2016

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Donating blood may be one of the most important things you’ve ever done and one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society specifically in our Municipality. That is why our beloved Municipal Mayor Hon. Rey Grabato encourages Minanhons to participate in this activity ever since conducted by the Philippine Red Cross – Iloilo Chapter. It is not harmful for a person to donate blood. In addition, the body of the donor can regenerate the blood within few days. A sick body needs blood for various reasons, dengue hemorrhagic fever, may be attacked with anemia, undergone an operation or may meet with an accident. But such a patient may die for want of blood as it is not always available even Mina have produced a number of blood still the need increases. Even a pregnant mother may need blood in case of emergency situation. Blood can be stored for a limited period of time that is why the blood banks like Philippine Red Cross – Iloilo Chapter need a steady and constant collection in different municipalities under the Province of Iloilo. Nowadays a public awareness is noticed to donate blood. We must keep this capacity up at any cost. Our blood banks are running short of required blood. By organizing such bloodletting activitywe are helpingour beloved constituents. However, it is very important that while taking blood from a certain person the concerned authority must make sure the blood is not infected that’s why donors undergone interviews and a different tests. Blood donation is our human duty. Our body does not get affected if we donate blood. The body can repair the loss within a few days. So we must come forward to donate blood as it can make sure the return of a dying man again into the light of life. On that day, April 8, 2016, there are 47 successful blood donors out of 200 possible donors whom Philippine Red Cross and LGU Mina were thankful of. A lot of our possible donors were disqualified due to high blood pressure.Moreover, the next bloodletting activity will be on the month of July and last will be on the month of November.