Mina Assessor attends Exposure Workshop of Draft MRPAAO

Ms. Dory Emelo, Mina’s Municipal Assesor is one of the 25 selected participants from Region VI, VII, and VIII who attended the Exposure Workshop of Draft Manual on Real Property Appraisal and Assesment Operations (MRPAAO) on August 17-21, 2015 at Crown Regency Suites, Mactan, Cebu City. It was conducted by the European Union (EU) in coordination with the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF)- Department of Finance.

The BLGF through the funding of the European Union worked on the Amendment of the existing Manual on Real Property Appraisal and Asssessment Operations (MRPAAO) used by the Municipal, City and Provincial Assesors all through out the country for the last 10 years. A need for its revision and amendment was seen by the Technical Working Group of the Bureau of Local Government Finance after the implementation of the RA 9646 or known as the Real Estate Act (RESA) Law.

The Draft Copy of MRPAAO composed of 14 Chapters was ecposed to the participants in which comments amd suggestions were gathered based on th existing laws, rules and regulations. The TWG from BLGF was headed by Mrs. Mercy Santos.

The draft manual is composed of 14 chapters like the previous manual and the method employed during the exposure was to scrutinize per section of every chapter. Comments, ideas, and additional inputs to the section from the point of view of a municipal, city, and provincial assesor were gathered while the speaker served as the moderator. One of the salient features of the draft manual are the inclusion of some provisions of the RESA laws were considered in Chapter I, finally the qualification requirements of Assesors added to the existing ones which he pr she must be licensed Real Estate Appraiser. The said requirements was  not stated in the previous manual. Other than this, the Organizational Structure of the Municipal/City/Provincial Assessment Offices were likewise changed to comply with the RESA Law and the CSC rules and regulations.

There were other sections wherein the provision of the CARP Law, HLURB, DENR and DA were considered while there were irrelevant provisions omitted. The new format of Property Index Number was also included in one of its sections. In Chapter III on Valuation Principles and Standards, the Philippine Valution Standards was one of the basis for the valuation of real properties. The Condominium Act was also considered in the valuation of condominiums and other high-rise buildings. There were several illustrations on how to come up with the concept of uniformity in valuation.

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