6 employees undergo Leadership Training in Palo, Leyte

Palo Leyte Picture

                The Mina employees namely Engr. Luisa Alfin, Engr. Xykster Pelaez, Mr. Licerio C. Patingo, Ms. Dory P. Emelo, Mr. Eden Pasuquin and Christian Harold Preche attend the ASEAN Disaster Resilience Leadership and Study Tour on Disaster Recovery for the Pilot LGUs of Adopt-A-Municipality Project at Francesco Guesthouse in Palo, Leyte on August 28-September 2, 2015.  The participants are from the four pilot municipalities of the ASEAN’S Adopt-a-Municipality Project composed of Mina & Badiangan, in Iloilo, and Ormoc City and Palo in Leyte.  The five-day activities were sponsored by the ASEAN.

                Based on the expressed need of the pilot LGUs including Mina to enhance existing capacities of respective Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office and the desire of the pilot LGUs to learn from  each other on the recovery initiatives being undertaken, the special training course on ASEAN Disaster Resilience and Study Tour on Recovery was organized.  The disaster resilience training framework focused on four (4) primary pillars of study which are:

                Disaster operations Leadership with emphasis on Disaster Risk Management (DRM); Human Factor covering Psychosocial and Behavioral Leadership Sciences; Leadership Analytics; and Leadership in changing Environment and Climate.

                On the last day, the session started with a breakfast hosted by Mayor Remedies Petilla, Municipal Mayor of Palo Leyte and Hon. Leopoldo L. Petilla, provincial Governor of Leyte.  A short program was held prior to the Site Visit of the Group.  The following sites were visited: Palo Metropolitan Cathedral and Mass Grave, Brgy. Tacuranga DRRM center, Mc Arthur Shrines, Korean Friendship Memorial Park, TzuChi Village passing the GMA Kapuso Village, and San Juanico Bridge.

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